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What You Need for your First Baby during Delivery (& soon after.)

I have been asked several times to do a post detailing what you really need when you have your first baby.  The truth is, when I had Hanson, I was shocked at how little newborn babies actually need other than your constant affection and attention.  That being said, I did figure out quickly what few items are a necessity or make life easier for new baby and mom.

DISCLAIMER: I am trying to write as candidly as I can while still maintaining my standards of privacy.  Please read with grace, knowing I am only giving what I consider to be important information from one mom to another and in no way am I trying to scare you or "gross" anyone out.

I'm writing from my experience, which was a normal, vaginal delivery to a healthy baby and I breastfed which came very easily and naturally to me, so if you are planning a c-section and formula feeding, the needs here will obviously vary a little bit. When you are in the hospital, you'll need comfortable, button front pajamas that make it easy to nurse in and be covered at the same time. I preferred a dark color because of how much fluid I lost after delivery. I'll link some of my favorites of each "need" at the end of the post.  You may also want to bring huge (trust me, the most massive you've ever seen) panties.  The purpose of these are to hold the also huge, massive hospital grade pads that catch the after birth fluids. (They give you a bunch of these mac-daddy pads in the hospital.)  I pray you'll forgive my straightforwardness here, but someone's got to tell you, and that may as well be me.  They do supply disposable panties in the hospital for you.  These sound like they would be awful and uncomfortable, but honestly, they are the least of your worries during those first few days and they do the job they are intended for very well, and then you can throw them away and pretend like they never happened. You'll probably want a pair of warm fuzzy socks and slippers.  Socks are for you to wear in bed (you'll be cold during the moments they make you wear only the hospital gown) and slippers are for you to wear to and from the bathroom so you don't slip.  I brought my own blanket from home to use in the hospital because theirs are always scratchy.  Dad will need his own pillow and blanket from home as well if he's planning to spend the night in the room with you.  I brought my own Yeti tumbler to eat ice out of because you'll be hungry and nervous.  For whatever reason, the ice chewing really helps for nerves. The cups they provide do not keep the ice frozen for long.  You need your charger for your phone. Bring hair ties in your toiletry bag, because even though you've envisioned looking like a goddess during and after birth, chances are you may look and feel *gasp* as if you've just pushed a human out of your own body. The last thing you want to worry with is your hair during these moments. And honestly that is just about it for what mom needs the very first few weeks of becoming a new mom.  Toiletry bag contents: shampoo and conditioner, lip balm, facial wash and moisturizer, makeup wipes, makeup, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils if you're into that, tooth brush, and hair brush. The hospital provided me with everything else I needed to make things more comfortable.

For the babe, you'll need about 5 onesies or gowns for in the hospital, plus whatever you're bringing him or her home in.  I didn't bring enough with me for Hanson and had to have a friend bring me a couple more.  I just didn't think we'd be changing so often, but it turns out that babies get dirty sometimes.  The best ones for newborns in my opinion are Kickee Pants. They are SO SOFT and fit snuggly on your baby.  I am bringing 2 preemie and 4 newborn size for my second baby.  Babe needs a hat to wear in the hospital and on the way home.  They give you the pink and blue one in the hospital that works fine, but you may want a different one for style. You will also want to bring a baby-sized blanket.  Again, they provide one for you in the hospital, but you may want to bring several of your own. The one they gave me for the baby was a little stiff and not the softest. I brought my own swaddles and a heavier baby blanket blanket for travel. Bring your baby book so that you can have them imprint the baby's foot on it while they're doing it on the other piece of paper they give you. You'll need a car seat for your baby to come home in.  I absolutely loved our Graco Click and Connect for the first 6 months.  I felt it was very safe and secure for our tiny baby, and it was so easy to press a button on the handle to pick the entire seat up to put in the stroller attachment, or grocery buggy, or just carry with us wherever we were going.

See what I mean about how little you actually NEED to get? They technically need you, to keep warm, and not much else.  It is the best.

So, shopping list for what you need to deliver and have at home for the first 4 weeks:

1.  Comfortable button-front pajamas for mom
2.  Snuggly footie pajamas for baby
3.  Slippers & socks for the hospital
4.  Carseat
5.  Baby blanket for travel  also, favorite swaddle, option 2 for those unsure of how to swaddle get this one, also favorite adult blanket for hospital bed
6.  Your diaper bag (should contain medical bag, diapers & wipes, babies outfits, baby socks & hat)
7. Yeti cup
8. Charger
9.  Toiletry Bag  (I want this one for Christmas)
10.  Outfits for mom and baby to travel home in.. this hat is adorable
11.  Baby book

Medical supplies you may need if the hospital doesn't provide it to you:
1.  Maxi pads (the variety pack, as your needs with quickly change)
2.  Witch hazel (disinfects and helps heal your.. body)
3.  Burn spray (it numbs.. everything after birth)
4.  Baby wash, oil, balm, and lotion (I was only comfortable using Beautycounter's baby line because of how gentle it is for sensitive, newborn skin.)
5.  Baby Neosporin (especially if it's a boy)
6.  Tylenol (for adults and infants)

What made life easier at home:
1. Having frozen meals ready to pull from in my freezer
2. A stocked fridge to come home to (you are not going to want to take your baby to the store for a month or so)
3. Friends or family to hold your baby so that you can shower occasionally. (It's okay to ask them to come or to wait to come for another time.. I feel like as a new mom we don't know what to do.  Most family doesn't want to step on toes or be in the way and would LOVE for you to ask them to come over so that you can shower or do laundry or nap. On the other hand, some are just so excited about the new baby and truly want to help, that they may not realize that the day you come home from the hospital with your newly established family isn't the best time to be in your home hanging around.)
4. Putting diapers and wipes on Amazon auto-ship (no late night runs to CVS because you ran out)
5.  Give yourself grace.  You will not look or feel like yourself.  You will not know what to do in such and such situation.  You will be okay.  You will learn as you go.  Enjoy every coo and stretch. It really does go as fast as they say it does.  And, it's just as wonderful.

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