A place to come for everyday inspiration on family, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

Creamy Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup

Creamy Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup


·     1 box of wild rice (with seasonings)
·     1 bag frozen carrots or 4 fresh carrots
·     1 white onion
·     1 bunch of celery
·     1 large container of fresh baby bella mushrooms
·     1 stick of butter
·     1 pint of whipping cream
·     1 quart of chicken or beef broth
·     2 Bay Leaves
·     Garlic
·     Salt and Pepper


In a large boiler, bring the rice, seasonings, all vegetables and the chicken broth to a simmer and cover until rice and veggies are tender.  About 10 minutes before serving, grab a small boiler to put the butter and whipping cream in. Melt the butter and cream together and add 1 clove of garlic, salt and pepper and stir occasionally. Do not boil. Add the cream sauce to the other boiler and let simmer for at least 5 minutes.  Serve with garlic bread or oyster crackers.

There is a lot of room for substitutions here! You could boil your own chicken and use that broth as the starter for a meatier version.  We added a hand full of chopped spinach and kale during the last 10 minutes for extra vegetables.  Instead of carrots, I think a butternut squash would be a nice fall touch. I think the possibilities are endless! Hope you enjoy!


What You Need for your First Baby during Delivery (& soon after.)

I have been asked several times to do a post detailing what you really need when you have your first baby.  The truth is, when I had Hanson, I was shocked at how little newborn babies actually need other than your constant affection and attention.  That being said, I did figure out quickly what few items are a necessity or make life easier for new baby and mom.

DISCLAIMER: I am trying to write as candidly as I can while still maintaining my standards of privacy.  Please read with grace, knowing I am only giving what I consider to be important information from one mom to another and in no way am I trying to scare you or "gross" anyone out.

I'm writing from my experience, which was a normal, vaginal delivery to a healthy baby and I breastfed which came very easily and naturally to me, so if you are planning a c-section and formula feeding, the needs here will obviously vary a little bit. When you are in the hospital, you'll need comfortable, button front pajamas that make it easy to nurse in and be covered at the same time. I preferred a dark color because of how much fluid I lost after delivery. I'll link some of my favorites of each "need" at the end of the post.  You may also want to bring huge (trust me, the most massive you've ever seen) panties.  The purpose of these are to hold the also huge, massive hospital grade pads that catch the after birth fluids. (They give you a bunch of these mac-daddy pads in the hospital.)  I pray you'll forgive my straightforwardness here, but someone's got to tell you, and that may as well be me.  They do supply disposable panties in the hospital for you.  These sound like they would be awful and uncomfortable, but honestly, they are the least of your worries during those first few days and they do the job they are intended for very well, and then you can throw them away and pretend like they never happened. You'll probably want a pair of warm fuzzy socks and slippers.  Socks are for you to wear in bed (you'll be cold during the moments they make you wear only the hospital gown) and slippers are for you to wear to and from the bathroom so you don't slip.  I brought my own blanket from home to use in the hospital because theirs are always scratchy.  Dad will need his own pillow and blanket from home as well if he's planning to spend the night in the room with you.  I brought my own Yeti tumbler to eat ice out of because you'll be hungry and nervous.  For whatever reason, the ice chewing really helps for nerves. The cups they provide do not keep the ice frozen for long.  You need your charger for your phone. Bring hair ties in your toiletry bag, because even though you've envisioned looking like a goddess during and after birth, chances are you may look and feel *gasp* as if you've just pushed a human out of your own body. The last thing you want to worry with is your hair during these moments. And honestly that is just about it for what mom needs the very first few weeks of becoming a new mom.  Toiletry bag contents: shampoo and conditioner, lip balm, facial wash and moisturizer, makeup wipes, makeup, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils if you're into that, tooth brush, and hair brush. The hospital provided me with everything else I needed to make things more comfortable.

For the babe, you'll need about 5 onesies or gowns for in the hospital, plus whatever you're bringing him or her home in.  I didn't bring enough with me for Hanson and had to have a friend bring me a couple more.  I just didn't think we'd be changing so often, but it turns out that babies get dirty sometimes.  The best ones for newborns in my opinion are Kickee Pants. They are SO SOFT and fit snuggly on your baby.  I am bringing 2 preemie and 4 newborn size for my second baby.  Babe needs a hat to wear in the hospital and on the way home.  They give you the pink and blue one in the hospital that works fine, but you may want a different one for style. You will also want to bring a baby-sized blanket.  Again, they provide one for you in the hospital, but you may want to bring several of your own. The one they gave me for the baby was a little stiff and not the softest. I brought my own swaddles and a heavier baby blanket blanket for travel. Bring your baby book so that you can have them imprint the baby's foot on it while they're doing it on the other piece of paper they give you. You'll need a car seat for your baby to come home in.  I absolutely loved our Graco Click and Connect for the first 6 months.  I felt it was very safe and secure for our tiny baby, and it was so easy to press a button on the handle to pick the entire seat up to put in the stroller attachment, or grocery buggy, or just carry with us wherever we were going.

See what I mean about how little you actually NEED to get? They technically need you, to keep warm, and not much else.  It is the best.

So, shopping list for what you need to deliver and have at home for the first 4 weeks:

1.  Comfortable button-front pajamas for mom
2.  Snuggly footie pajamas for baby
3.  Slippers & socks for the hospital
4.  Carseat
5.  Baby blanket for travel  also, favorite swaddle, option 2 for those unsure of how to swaddle get this one, also favorite adult blanket for hospital bed
6.  Your diaper bag (should contain medical bag, diapers & wipes, babies outfits, baby socks & hat)
7. Yeti cup
8. Charger
9.  Toiletry Bag  (I want this one for Christmas)
10.  Outfits for mom and baby to travel home in.. this hat is adorable
11.  Baby book

Medical supplies you may need if the hospital doesn't provide it to you:
1.  Maxi pads (the variety pack, as your needs with quickly change)
2.  Witch hazel (disinfects and helps heal your.. body)
3.  Burn spray (it numbs.. everything after birth)
4.  Baby wash, oil, balm, and lotion (I was only comfortable using Beautycounter's baby line because of how gentle it is for sensitive, newborn skin.)
5.  Baby Neosporin (especially if it's a boy)
6.  Tylenol (for adults and infants)

What made life easier at home:
1. Having frozen meals ready to pull from in my freezer
2. A stocked fridge to come home to (you are not going to want to take your baby to the store for a month or so)
3. Friends or family to hold your baby so that you can shower occasionally. (It's okay to ask them to come or to wait to come for another time.. I feel like as a new mom we don't know what to do.  Most family doesn't want to step on toes or be in the way and would LOVE for you to ask them to come over so that you can shower or do laundry or nap. On the other hand, some are just so excited about the new baby and truly want to help, that they may not realize that the day you come home from the hospital with your newly established family isn't the best time to be in your home hanging around.)
4. Putting diapers and wipes on Amazon auto-ship (no late night runs to CVS because you ran out)
5.  Give yourself grace.  You will not look or feel like yourself.  You will not know what to do in such and such situation.  You will be okay.  You will learn as you go.  Enjoy every coo and stretch. It really does go as fast as they say it does.  And, it's just as wonderful.

Diaper Bag Swag

I know that there are so many downfalls to social media, and believe me, I have my share of them.  From comparison ("why doesn't my house look like hers?"), to paranoia from oversharing ("I bet they all think I am a terrible mom, wife,  bad friend, whatever it may be"), to seeing others doing things and feeling left out, and more. BUT when it is working in the way I believe it was meant to, Instagram is the absolute BEST community.  As a stay at home (most of the time) mom, the days get can sooooo long.  I have found that Instagram stories are so much fun and so helpful when it comes to getting advice from fellow friends and mamas out there.  I love to participate in these on other people's feeds, and really enjoy it when I get good participation on mine.  I hope that from time to time sharing what I've gathered from this participation will prove helpful for some of you reading this. Here you'll find a collection of the mom's of Instagram's favorite diaper bags ranging in prices from $35-$200, and what specifically makes each bag great to them.  You'll be able to shop these bags by clicking the lighter colored words and I would receive a commission for the sale if you chose to do so.


My first diaper bag that I got nearly two years ago for a shower gift for Hanson, was an inexpensive shoulder-carry style bag from Amazon.  It has so much room on the inside, plenty of pockets inside and out, and was lined with a plastic material that was easy to wipe and vacuum.  We recently had a Benadryl accident that spilled all over everything inside, so I washed it in the washing machine and dried it.  Honestly, it held up pretty dang well for a two-year-old, $35 diaper bag.  We have been super rough on it, and it still gets the job done, but the faux leather on the straps is starting to peel.  You can click to shop here for my first diaper bag.

Since becoming pregnant with my second child, I began thinking that switching to a backpack style diaper bag would free up an arm and make it easier to handle two children. I originally saw a Freshly Picked  backpack diaper bag and fell in love with how pretty it is.  It looks luxurious to me.  Lots of moms gave feedback to me that they loved it because of the beautiful style and the pockets on the inside and out.  It even has insulated pockets for your baby's drinks! The negative feedback I got was that it spills out easily if you don't have it completely fastened. The other backpack diaper bag I was interested in, the Petunia Pickle Bottom,  I saw in person and loved the organization of it. It has three completely separate portions of the bag attached by zippers, kind of like tupperware, and the bottom one is insulated for baby's snacks or medicine. I got the least amount of feedback on this one, so I don't have any negatives to give you other than it is pretty expensive at around $175. More of my own research and investigation led me to this Honest Company Backpack Diaper Bag that I loved! However, no one I knew has tried it out.  It is gorgeous though! By far, the most recommended backpack diaper bag was the  Fawn Designs.  Over 40% of the people that participated in chatting diaper bags with me recommended this one because of its quality, comfort, and because of how much "stuff" it can hold.  It's lined on the inside with 6 pockets and has 2 on each side of the outside and 1 in the front.  It's a very high quality vegan leather.  It is super comfortable on the bag and looks chic while mama is wearing.  I got some negative feedback as well from several saying that there was not enough organization and that the pockets weren't big enough for some toddler cups. I also got that it is heavy. However, the raving reviews outweighed the downfalls, and just as I was leaning towards buying one of the Fawn Designs for myself, a sweet friend offered me her gently used one.  I absolutely love the opportunity to be more economical for my family and the planet, and was thrilled that she offered to give me hers since her baby is now in school and doesn't use it.  Thank you so much, friend! I also was made aware that there is an almost exact duplicate for the Fawn Designs bag on Amazon, with a much smaller price tag.  Shop the $45 Fawn Designs Dupe here.

I hope this may help some Mamas that are shopping for a diaper bag to make a decision that is best for their family.  As always, I thank you for taking the time to read my words.


shop the best diaper bag options HERE

The Rookie Mom

I changed my son’s diaper today in the back of my car in the Kroger parking lot. It was not a quick and easy change either.  He screamed, kicked, twisted, stood up and tried to crawl over seats while still naked. You name it—he did it. Several times.  All in 94 degree weather with a buggy still full of groceries hanging out in the parking lot, and while two or three cars waited for my spot with their blinkers on during a Mississippi State home-game weekend.  (Note to self: Never grocery shop on Friday of a home-game weekend.) I have gotten to the point where I don’t get embarrassed by things like this anymore because, in reality, what are strangers’ thoughts about me compared to my precious son’s needs? BUT, in the midst of our struggle, I did think to myself, “I know I have to look like I’ve never done this before. Rookie!” I finished the job and everyone survived and as I got behind the wheel to head home, I had an epiphany. I haven’t done this before. In a few days my son will be 20 months old. I’ve never parented a 20-month-old before. I’ve never changed the diaper of a very active and exceptionally strong-willed 20-month-old. It probably sounds crazy for me to realize this, but I was suddenly aware that this toddler is very different than the sleepy newborn I brought home with me from the hospital - just a blink of an eye ago. And just like he’s learning about everything in the world around him, so am I. I’m learning as I go what to do with him, and I’m thinking it’s okay to cut myself a little slack. There’s no way I can be perfect or do everything right, but I want to try for him. Does that count for anything? I think the biggest justice I can do for him is to try my best and to do it with a little humility. Laughing along the way at myself, learning how it’s done, and enjoying watching him, squealing and naked, trying to escape a diaper change over the back hatch of my car. Before I know it, he’ll be going to his own college football games and I’ll be at Kroger buying snacks for him to put in his college fridge - just like the man on aisle 9 was doing for his son while he watched my little guy throwing produce out of the buggy the whole way.  I do feel better knowing, “It gets better when they’re about 13,” as he told me. I could see a sparkle in his eye and I knew he was trying to tell me that it’s going to go by very quickly, and that maybe he wished his now college-aged son was still throwing the bananas out of the buggy. The lump in my throat made it easy to transform my frustration into a laugh and a shrug as I said, “You promise?” This is such a hard stage, but it is unbelievably sweet, too. Oh, my very special son! You’ve taught me so much about life and I pray that I can return the favor to you someday. Toddler-momming is hard sometimes. But the love...Oh, my heart is full

Baby Names on the Brain

How fun is it to name imaginary babies? And how STRESSFUL can naming real ones be?!

I am almost half way through my pregnancy (next week will be 20 weeks), and William and I have known we were having a boy for about 6-7 weeks.  Over the last 6 weeks, I cannot tell you how many times we have tormented over names with each other, with family, and with Google.  Lol.  We still don't know for sure what we are naming him, but we do keep coming back to one or two names in particular over the last several weeks.  We have been tossing one of them around with different middle names, making up nicknames for him, and imagining how our 2 year old, Hanson, will pronounce his name or what he'll call him. But, we haven't quite bit the bullet on one.  We've discussed our thoughts on this name with some family and it is so heartbreaking when they don't share the same sentiments as us, and so much fun when light fills their eyes and you can tell they genuinely love it. I know it shouldn't really matter what anyone's opinion is, and that they've either had their turn at naming babies or will probably get that chance in the future, but I think the approval I'm seeking in others is really just my deep desire to do this baby boy justice in every way that I can as a mother, even down to the name I choose for him.  When naming our babies, we really want to name them something unique, but not weird, and special, but not necessarily name-saking them after anyone.  It's important to me for them to feel like they have their own chance to make an impact on the world, but we have had some incredible family that we would also love to honor.  And many of them have really cool names as well. It's a very tough balance to make.  This past week, I put up the question feature on Instagram for cool name suggestions and I got so many responses and requests to share the list.  I compiled them on a document and I'll attach them below.  One suggestion I repeatedly receive is that we should name him after my father, LaRue.  His death still just stings so bad that I'm just not sure I can call anyone by that name, but I'm warming up to using it as a middle name.  The way I feel is hard to explain! I wish I could.  And, no.  The two names we've been thinking about are not on the list :)  Out of all of the suggestions I've gotten, no one has suggested it, which either proves that it's unique and perfect for him, or that it's too ~weird~ and that I probably need to reconsider. To be determined at a later date!  

Thank you to all who participated! This was so much fun to do.  I would love it if you left a comment on your favorite from the list or if you have a new addition to it that I should consider.

Holly Harrell

If Heaven has a Beach Bar

If heaven has a beach bar, I can tell you who’s on a stool with a view of the water, where you can hear the live music.  He’s having a Corona with other good-hearted outlaws that loved Jesus and fun, and didn’t give a rats tail about what anyone thought about it while here on earth. He isn’t saying much, just sitting there with a smile, knowing he did a good job while he could, and that now is his time to rest. If heaven has a beach bar, I bet there is a live band playing his favorite songs, and that he’s dancing the night away. He’s happy, healthy, and the life of the party. He’s everyone’s genuine friend there. 

If heaven has a beach bar, you can bet I’m on my way. I pray to have a long and healthy life here on earth, but I don’t think time works the same way in heaven (especially at a bar 🤣), so I’ll see you soon. 

If heaven has a beach bar, I know that’s where you are looking in from. I know you’re proud, bragging to the other angels about who you left behind. I’m okay, dad, and I’m on the way soon! Save me a seat, if heaven has a beach bar. 

Anniversary Dinner at Playa, Orange Beach

Let’s be real. Fancy, childless dates are hard to come by these days. We were so excited to get to plan our 3rd wedding anniversary while we were on vacation in Orange Beach, where William’s mom lives. We scored big because not only did we get the best suggestions from her as a fun-loving local, but we also got the best possible babysitter we could have had as a loving YaYa. She really gave us one choice for where to go for dinner saying, “Oh, you have to go to Playa!” And we were not disappointed! She kept baby Hanson while we lived it up and ate our body weight in the most perfectly seasoned seafood we have ever had, in the hippest place ever. Playa definitely feels more like San Diego than Orange Beach. The atmosphere is sophisticated, but not stuffy in the least, and fancy, but you’re fine to still wear flip flops. The décor is somewhat like a cross between Miami in the 60’s and a hip coffee shop in Brooklyn circa now.  There was someone singing and playing acoustic guitar upstairs that echoed down to the patio on the water where we dined. We had the hot crab dip with blue corn chips for an appetizer. I was so hungry I ate nearly the whole dish. Poor William. For entrees, I ordered the red fish. One bite in, I could not believe how great this fish tasted. Having grown up the daughter of an avid fisherman and incredible cook, I’ve had a lot of fish in my life, and this red fish may have taken the prize. It was grilled skin-side-down, covered in seasonings, and served with a cold avocado and tomato salsa on top. William had the chorizo tacos and the tuna poke bowl, which was way too much food for him and he took the entire plate of tacos home. I think he ate them for a midnight snack and shared with YaYa, but I can’t remember him telling me if they were as fantastic as everything else, though, I am sure they were. He says the tuna poke bowl was amazing and “super fresh.” I love tuna poke, and was sad that I couldn’t eat some of it because of my pregnancy. Next time!! I had big plans for dessert, but when the time came, I had not a bite left in me to take. We were stuffed and happy! We took a stroll around the marina to watch the sun set, which made a perfect ending to the date.
It was all around a great experience I’m sure we will remember forever! Thanks for the wonderful time, Playa! We’ll surely be back.


May 29, 2016, I married William Harrell.  Each May since, I enjoy reflecting on the details of the day. After becoming engaged in August of 2015, we spent our senior year together at Millsaps College planning what would become one of the happiest days of our lives.  It was a really tough time for both of us personally because in addition to his parents divorcing, my father had recently passed away after battling cancer for 18 months, and William lost his brother to a car accident all in the couple of years that we dated.  When I think about the months leading up to our wedding, I think of all of the stress and sadness we were experiencing, but I also think of all of the opportunities we took to lean on each other during those times. We chose to love each other and create our own happiness in a really tough time, and I am so happy that we did.  I’ll say here, that there is no way I could have done all of the planning without my wedding planner, Johnna Pyron. In addition to being a literal angel sent from God to help me through this time, she was so knowledgeable, had flawless taste, had tons of experience, and was so very kind. I can never repay her for all that she did.  William and I knew we wanted to move away and do our own thing for a while after graduating college, so we picked a date close to graduation so we wouldn’t have to hang around too long waiting for the wedding. I actually suggested we graduate at 10 am and get married at 6 the same day and holy moly, I’m so glad William talked me out of that one.  The date we chose was a Sunday, and I’m pretty sure I made the decision because the photographer I knew I wanted to use, Masa Kathryn, and the venue, The Old Capitol Inn, were available that day. We thought that having a Sunday wedding would make our wedding more low key (HA!) and have sort of a sweetness that comes with Sunday afternoons. Plus, everyone had the next day off  work because it was Memorial Day. I say ‘HA’ because we sent out 150 invitations and there were SO MANY people at our wedding that I could barely get out of the courtyard door to go down the aisle because people were standing up lining the walls like sardines. I think everyone who was invited came and brought a plus one and then more people came because William loved to say casually to friends and acquaintances, “Hey man, I’m getting married soon, you should come!”  Trying to remember what our wedding day was like only three years later is proving to be challenging, so I’m glad I’m doing this now and, hopefully, preserving some memories that I may forget if I wait any longer to write all of this down. It was a whirlwind of emotions and people pulling in different directions. “Where are my reception shoes?” “William forgot his tie.” “I need spanx!” “Are we having lunch?” “William won’t shave his mustache.” on and on. The best things I remember are the group pictures in the courtyard before the wedding, right after our first look.  It was at least 90 degrees outside. Everyone was super excited for the wedding and everyone was sweating bullets. There were pink flowers blooming everywhere, and even though the forecast called for thunderstorms, it was the most gorgeous sun-filled day. It was commotion and excitement, then complete silence when I went to the bridal room to await my turn to walk down the aisle. I highly recommend having your first look and group photos before the wedding. It’s so much fun, and gives you more time to enjoy your brand new husband after the wedding. The ceremony was super sweet.  We wrote our own vows. I uncontrollably sobbed. My friend, Kathryn Rooker Digennaro, told me a white dove flew over the floral arch during our ceremony. We ‘snuck’ away for a little alone time after the ceremony, had a few pictures taken, then headed to the reception. We danced to “Sunday Kind of Love,” never ate, and took a million pictures with our friends and family. At 9 o’clock we left the party through a sparkler tunnel and headed straight to McDonalds. We ate burgers and chicken nuggets in the hotel room and laughed at details from the day, while we stared at our new finger hardware.  We were so excited about the honeymoon in Antigua that we didn’t know how we would sleep that night. But we finally did, and I’ll never forget the peace and happiness I felt as I drifted to sleep in William’s arms. Belly full of nuggets, heart full of love.

VENUE: Old Capitol Inn, Jackson, MS
PHOTOGRAPHY: Masa Kathryn Photography 
VIDEOGRAPHY: Anna Barker, Thomas & Mckinley Gallagher
FLOWERS: Wendy Putt
DRESS: Allure Bridals
HAIR/MAKEUP: Sidney Tate
JEWELRY: Family heirlooms
SUIT:  The Rogue

You can shop my wedding shoes here : SHOES 
Watch our wedding video here: VIDEO

Barre and Brews

Holy Cow.  

Can I just start by saying that everyone who thinks Pure Barre is an “easy workout” is dead wrong.  That being said, I should also preface this with the fact that I haven’t attended a workout class in a solid 5 years, but do stroll with Hanson about 8 or so miles a week.  I took the class on Friday and I’m writing this on a Monday, still feeling the soreness in my stomach as I sit at my desk.  I was lured to the class with the promise of “brews” at the end of it, as part of a fun promotional class the Pure Barre studio in Jackson is offering at the courtyard at Highland Village called ‘Barre and Brews’. Hey, whatever it takes! Now, after feeling how many muscles I haven’t been using, I’ll for sure be back for more. At the class, I met up with one of my best friends, Summer, who is a regular with these kinds of workout classes.  When I asked her how often she takes them, she said, “3-4x a week”, very casually, yet, somehow simultaneously intimidatingly. Thinking I was in over my head, I started the class with a huge nervous-excited-ness about me. Even if I look crazy trying, at least I have a new Lululemon outfit and it’ll probably make a good story, right? The movements the instructor was having us do looked very easy, but let me tell you, they most certainly were not. She gave out commands like “tuck, hold, pulse” and although it was new, the lingo was easy to pick up and follow.  Pure Barre is essentially micro movements that isolate muscles you didn’t realize were there and tear them to shreds.  It does also tap into cardio, but not a ton.  I would say it’s 70% muscle toning and 25% cardio.  And 5% laying on the mat crying. I’m just kidding, it was actually very enjoyable. But, as I laid there out of breath on the mat, I realized that this is why Elle Woods knew Brooke Wyndham couldn’t have killed her husband. My endorphins were so electric, I literally turned to my friend Summer and said, “This is better than the cocktail!” Yes, the very cocktail that lured me there in the first place—but that was fun too. And although I am still very sore, I think you would want to feel like you’ve worked out if you’re going to the trouble of taking a work out class. I loved it, and, also loved the social set up of it, too.  I thought working out in the courtyard of Highland Village sounded a little intimidating, but it was very fun and made me work out a little bit harder knowing people were watching (probably laughing, but watching). 

I love that even when I’m just passing through, Jackson is my favorite city for visiting, shopping, dining, exploring, and more.  There’s always something fun to do in #mycity. Jackson friends, y’all have got to check Barre and Brews out.  It was oh-so-much fun!

#CityWithSoul #ExcerciseYourSoul #IndulgeYourSoul #MyCity #myJXN

MS Childrens' Museum

Jackson was my city while I was in school at Millsaps College , and it is now full circle as I get to bring my son here to Jackson to the children’s museum to play with friends and learn about both science and Mississippi.

From fishing for catfish in the man-made river, running through the playhouse-sized capitol building, dancing to Elvis records in the dance studio, to playing chef in the full-sized toddler kitchen, there was no shortage of things to do at the MS Children's museum.  In fact, after 4 hours of non-stop playing and learning, I think we left having tackled about half of what was offered.  Hanson’s favorite part of the children’s museum was the literacy garden located outside. There is a magical quality about it that I can't quite put my finger on. They had music playing over the loudspeaker-Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" being one of the songs played that sticks out in my memory.  Books and passages from nursery rhymes were read, there was a tree house for climbing, and interactive games offered by the staff. And ice cream sandwiches were enjoyed by all. Can’t forget those! 

I'm not going to lie, it may have been just as much fun for me as an adult as it was for my son, Hanson.  We seriously had so much fun and the employees of the museum were so kind and generous to us throughout our day there.  I definitely recommend making a day of going and enjoying all that this incredible place has to offer.

After being away so long, it was great to be back in my old city. And, Jackson is still my city for entertainment! Thank you so much for having us, @mschildsmuseum ! #MyCity#CitywithSoul #VisitJacksonMS#JacksonMS #EntertainYourSoul

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